Monday, May 24, 2010

Venus Williams Fashionista?

Venus off to a strong start at the French Open. Although, everyone was more interested in what Venus was wearing. Some critics call her outfit racy! Please I totally get her Venus has always been a little Fashionista! Since the beginning of her career. Both Venus and Serena. It started with the hair styles, next came the clothing.

We tend to forget that Venus has her own clothing line eleven! Which was sold exclusively by Steve and Barry's clothing store on the East Coast. A long with SJP's line of t shirts and various clothing line. In fact Venus and SJP both gave us the idea to start our own t-shirt line.

Venus, has also teamed up with Tide Detergent Company. Where her fans were to design an outfit for her to wear at one of the Opens. This may be that particular outfit.
So, cut her some slack people. She still is amazing on the court.

Venus stated the look was all about "illusion,"

Call it racy, however we still call it fashion forward.

Peace ~ Blessings

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