Debra never used any wax or creme base products on my hair. She only used Naturelle oils in my hair. When it was time to shampoo and condition my hair she used Aveda products. Debra, was amazing she had the most amazing hands ever it was a blessing to know and meet her.
I was referred to Debra by a co-worker at the time. Linda, had baby loc's her loc's always looked well groomed shiny and healthy looking. So, I asked Linda who does your hair? Linda, handed me Debra's business card. As, time went on, I would run into Linda at the salon. Linda, couldn't believe how fast my hair Locked and how fast it was growing.
Linda, asked Debra how come Naturelle's hair is locing faster then mind. Linda, could not understand how my hair Locked before hers. After all Linda, was going to Debra a few months prior before me. Debra replied Naturelle's has Naturally Curly hair and that texture tends to loc faster then other types and textures. Linda's, hair finally started to Loc it took 6-12months.
Everyone's hair is different when your hair is ready to Loc it will eventually Loc on it's own.
In the begin it was a lot of maintenance. I remember going frequently to get my hair done.
As, time went on my loc's had it's mind of it's own. The longer your hair grows and loc's there's little maintenance. Unless, your not a hair person and don't like to fool or mess with your hair.
I Couldn't wait to have long Loc's running down my back. Every time, I would see someone with long Loc's, I would ask how long did it take for there locs to grow? Or How long have you had your loc's? etc. I was totally opened it was a whole new world to me.
Finally, some years later my Locs were cascading down my back. That's when I decided to dye my Loc's Red. My Locs grew and you could see my true texture at the new growth. At that moment, I realized for the first time, I was completely happy with my hair and my true texture.
Rocked my Locs for about 10 yrs, then in 2007 decided to cut them off. It was time for a change, your hair (especially) Loc's holds energy. I wanted to give myself a complete transformation. Spiritually, I was ready to embark on a new venture with my hair journey.
That was my "Ah ha, moment" I could see clearly for the first time, I Loved and Love my unique hair texture. We were all giving our own unique style for a reason. I'm hoping this can resonate with the next generation, which includes my Nieces, Nephews, and Cousins.
We may not all have the same hair textures and that's okay. We need to except who we are~ Love ourselves ~ One another.
We all have "Good Hair" no matter what texture we were born with.
Curly,Kinky,Wavy,Straight etc.... It's all "Good Hair"
Peace ~ Blessings
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