Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Are Latinos in denial of their ancestry make up?


I'm sounding off this morning.
Last night I watched CNN AC360 & Don Lemon
Topic: Rachel Dolezal "what's so mind blowing" she's still making up stories.
Folks it's not about passing judgment on Rachel.
A simple apology would've shut it down.
She owes it to the community.
(Yeah, I apologize for lying. I identify as being Black. End of story.)
The story unfolds and gets deeper the fact that she made up family members to feed the lie.
Told her step brothers not to blow her cover.
Rachel told Matt Lauer "At the age of five I started drawing self portraits of myself with the brown crayon"  OK! Now when you were attending "Howard University" you filed a lawsuit accusing the University of discrimination because she was "White"  Folks are you here with me?  This whole situation gets deep.
The court dismissed her case. (The claim was thrown out)  Years later she meets and married a Black man. (No biggie) lots of people marry multi cultural/ racial etc.
At some point psychologically she began to identify with the Black Culture so far as to darkening her skin rock the weaves, braids,etc
If you listen to her she states someone wrote an article labeling her "transracial" then people assume she was biracial from biracial to a black women. Matt Lauer: even said at some point, did you not think to correct miss information.
No! Rachel let it go on. The problem is being
deceptive in her actions.  You see now she had a lot to gain by claiming black. "Affirmative action"
An advantage to move up  professionally.
You see on paper she presented herself by graduating from "Howard University"
Teaching "Africana Studies"  hey she looked good. She was so good and convincing she became President of NAACP in her Town.
At any moment she can stop tanning removed the braids and go back to her life as a white woman. This is what has many outraged.
Just own it! Lies after lies. The sad part she could have still been effective as herself without pretending.

So, last night Mr. Perez Hilton was on CNN as a commentator.
I'm sounding off on Mr.Perez Hilton  he stated he being a "White Latino"  blah, blah, blah. What! I had to tweet at him honey.
We went back and fourth. Yes we did!
Omg! @PerezHilton Really!!! #WhiteLatino "I don't think so". Latinos are people of color.
Hello! Smh #GirlBye #YourShadyAs #Palmtree
@PerezHilton Just because your skin is light. It does not make u white. #YourtoHollywood
#siponthatteaofknowledge #Besos #miamor
"Latinos are people of color" hello!
I forget a lot of so called; "Cubans" be thinking their "white."  In fact within the Latin communities  colorism still exist.
  It's sad that in 2015 folks are still ignorant to race and culture. Look at what's happening in Haiti and Dominican Republic.   

Here's some knowledge for my Latin peeps
In the U.S., a Latino historically is not white since Latinos by definition are a mixture of Spanish, indigenous, African and Asian blood.
With that being said: Puerto Rican culture is a mix of cultural antecedents: 
Taíno indians, Spanish, African, European.
Now naturally if you are fair skin you may have more European in your ancestry.
It does not make you white. No mam, No sir you still a person of color...
  (As I drop the mic)
You can follow me on social media join the conversation.  We can learn to agree to disagree at the end of the day Black lives matter let's not get distracted from the cause. Remember to show compassion for cultural and differences within our nation...
Love ~ Light
One Love ✌

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