This is for all my Wig'nista's Wig wearing Sista's. Wearing wigs gives you versatility Especially when making the transition from relaxer to natural state. Wigs gives you the option to change hair color, texture, and length without the commitment.
You can choose either human hair or synthetic. Wigs, today are diffidently not the same, as you may recall when Mama or Nana wore wigs. Wigs were so stiff,ruff and dull looking, as if the hair was matted down, sort of like a hard plastic shell, with, no shine at all.
I can remember Nana's friend Ms.Winnie, Nana would send me next door to take some food or baked goods to her. As, I knocked on the door Ms. Winnie open the door and I remembered, how disheveled Ms. Winnie's hair was. The next time I went over to Ms. Winnie's house, she asked me to walk in. Ms.Winnie left the door open for me, she was in the kitchen cooking and preparing some food for Nana.
Walked in and saw her hair on some scary looking head. I jumped so far back almost to the point, I was up against the door. Getting ready to run out the door, Ms. Winnie called me, and said come on in child, I'm in the kitchen. As, her voice chuckled, I know now Ms.Winnie knew her Wig scared me. Ms. Winnie laughing inside. Come on child, let me see you. How are you today? Ms.Winnie asked,I looked up and saw four gray platts. Ahhh,ahh! Msss."Whooo" "Whoo" Winnie, what happen to your hair? I asked, Ms.Winnie began to chuckled and smile.
This is my hair, what you saw on the wig stand, is my Wig. Wig? What is a wig? I replied, Ms.Winnie said she was giving her hair a break, and didn't want to dye, or press her hair with a hot comb. She was giving her hair a break. Wow! okay, I ran next door to tell all my cousins what happen. As, time went by and I was getting older I realized that Nana wore a wig 2. Most Woman were wearing wigs in the 60's and 70's including my Mom. I know now Ms.Winnie was "Au Naturelle Diva" and all the Women getting press ~ curls.
Lace Front Wigs are a great innovation, option instead of getting a weave.
Whether you wear for cosmetic or medical reasons. Lace Front wigs offer versatility,
you can part the hair in any direction, wear it up in a pony tail.
My suggestion seek a professional before you apply any glue,tape or bonding adhesive. If not applied properly you can damaged your hair and scalp. Or you can secure your wig, with wig clips and pins.
My only pet peeve I have with some sista's. When sista girl purchases a lace front wig and has it cut, in a perfect moon shape. This makes the wig look unrealistic, it looks as if some one came and gave sista girl a serious shape up (line) across her forehead. No, please we need to be honest pull sista girl aside. Let's teach one another, there's nothing wrong with doing it yourself. Please, ask first or watch a pictorial there are some alternatives.
Okay, Wig'nista's if you are wearing Human Or Synthetic rock it well!!! Have fun with your many options play with different styles. For my sista's that are thinking about stepping into the Wig World Welcome! Try it you may like it, go with the Flo have fun. Don't be Scared :) Wear it Well...
"Find your Naurelle Diva Within"
Peace ~ Blessings
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