Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hair Meet Up Groups

Have you attended a "Hair Meet Up"?

"Hair Meet Up Groups" seem to be popping up everywhere, but are the groups; popping up in your community? Natural hair Meet Up Groups, are for those who have gone natural, are transitioning to natural or are thinking about it. Participating members of the group come together to share knowledge, experiences and learn from each other.

It's also the perfect way to network amongst fellow "Naturalnistas, Bloggers, who represent the Natural community in a positive way. Remember, being Natural is a Choice, as well as a commitment.

Most Natural Hair Meet Up's tend to happen in Major Cities & States!
Here's how you may want to get involved. To jump start your own Hair Meet Up in your area.
You may want to check to see if, a meet up is schedule in your area, then spread the word. If not you may want to conduct your own Meet Up!

Check out these simple tips, you'll need if, your considering having your own Hair Meet Up:

1) Figure out how may people you want to invite

2)Location is very important, also plan for food,entertainment & beverages

3)Reach out to all Vendors

4)Start Marketing the Event to all Avenues

5)Don't for get The Swag or Gift Bag! Treat all attendees like Rock Stars with a one of a kind bag!

LOve ~ Light


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