Let's talk about Colour ~ Highlight's! Would you consider adding "Colour" 2 your Hair?
How many of my "Naturelle" Curly,Kinky,Wavy,Locs, Love Colour? How do you feel about
Colour ~ Highlight's on "Naturelle" Hair?
These are all valid questions; we may ask ourselves, when considering adding Colour or Highlights 2 our "Naturelle" Hair. Yes, some critics may say; adding Colour is not "Au Naturelle".
However, if adding Colour to your hair makes you happy, by all means go for it. After, all it's your Hair and diffidently your choice.
Some of our Ladies ~ Gents! Are not ready for the entire "World" 2 see there Grays.
Yes, technically you would not be totally "Naturelle" but using hair color does not permanently straighten your hair texture. In fact it may loosen your curl pattern just a tad bit.
You may want to opt for a more Naturelle hair colour product. One that contains
No or very low amounts "Ammonia" or Peroxide." I've spoke to a few "Master Colorist" and all agreed, that almost all Hair "Colours" have some small amounts of ammonia. Whether it's a low grade however, there are some small traces. As, with all products; do your own research ~ consult with a professional.
Adding "Colour" can be fun, ~ do wonders for ones appearance. Especially, when we get older our hair tends to become dull, lose it's vibrant colour. Just remember when adding a "Semi or Permanent Colour;" "Deep Condition" your hair to prevent breakage!
Remember it's all about "Finding your Naturelle Diva Within"
Peace ~ Blessings
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