Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Black HisStory Month!

Happy Black HisStory Month!
We Honor George Washington Carver (1864-1943), was an American Scientist, Botanist, Educator, and Inventor. Carver had an interest in helping poor Southern farmers who were working low-quality soils that had been depleted of nutrients by repeated plantings of cotton crops. Mr. Carver and other agricultural cognoscenti urged farmers to restore nitrogen to their soils by practicing systematic crop rotation, alternating cotton crops with plantings of sweet potatoes or legumes (such as peanuts, soybeans and cow-peas) that were also sources of protein.
Following the crop rotation practice resulted in improved cotton yields and gave farmers new foods and alternative cash crops. Carver's work on peanuts was intended to provide an alternative crop. Mr. Carver served as an example of the importance of hard work, a positive attitude, and a good education.
Happy Black History!

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