Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 5

Day 5 of my 40/40 Yoga experience. Woke up this morning, feeling eager and ready to do this yoga. Of course there was a little traffic along the way. I was not gonna let the morning traffic stop me from reaching my goals. Class starts on time especially when the owner is given the class. As, I peep through the window, the owner unlocked the door and welcomed me to class. What a sigh of relief. So grateful, & thankful that I could still accomplish my journey.

Today class was based on Baron Baptiste Vinyasa style yoga.
Vinyasa’s strength is in its diversity. There is no single philosophy, rulebook, or sequence that teachers must follow.

My challenging pose is the Downward Facing Dog.
This pose is actually a resting pose. Downward facing dog is done many times during most yoga classes. It is a transitional pose, a resting pose and a great strengthener in its own right. It may be the first yoga pose you encounter as you begin a yoga practice.

For beginners bending your knees, coming up onto the balls of your feet, bringing the belly to rest on the thighs and the sit bones up high. Then sink your heels, straightening the legs keeping the high upward rotation of the sit bones. Also try bending the arms slightly out to the side, drawing the chest towards the thighs. Then re straighten the arms.

Advanced if you are very flexible, try not to let the rib cage sink towards the floor creating a sinking spine. Draw the ribs in to maintain a flat back. Try holding the pose for five minutes, placing a block under your head for support.

Downward dog is so prevalent, even people who have never done yoga have probably heard of it. It may look easy but it's not practice makes perfect. The first day, I was shaking so much I had to drop to my knee's. Yoga is all about supporting and lifting your own body weight. Now, day 5 I can hold this resting pose longer then day 1. It's so amazing to see my strength and stamina through this process. Will post before and after pictures at the end of the 40 days.


Peace ~ Blessings

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