Sunday, October 16, 2016

Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
We all know of someone who has been affected by this disease.
My mother in law was diagnosed with stage 4 Cancer.
Unfortunately, it wasn't caught on time, sadly she passed away in 2013.
I Recently met this beautiful lady who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2013.   I'm here to tell you as God is my witness, this Woman fought like Warrior. 
I met her a few days ago and she shared her story with me it's 2016.
God is good. She's living proof early detection is key.
Sending Love and Healing Light to all my Warrior's and Goddesses Living and those whom passed on
πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€ Love and Light πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€
cancer #bcam
#fightlikeagirl #cancersucks #fuckcancer #warriors #goddesses

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Prince Rogers Nelson

Happy Prince Day
Today we celebrate the Life and Legacy of
Prince Rogers Nelson born On this day June 7, 1958  singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, and actor. Prince a musical innovator and known for his eclectic work, flamboyant stage presence.  Musical genius, extraordinary talent.

 It's been 48 days since Prince has transcend into the after world.  He leaves behind his Legacy as well as his unrelease work.  Gone to soon. Gone but never forgotten. 

Sending Love and Healing Light to his Family and Friends 

Rest in Power my sweet Prince 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Black History Month

Black History Month:
Is extremely important to celebrate and honor.  Why?  "Black History" is "American History", it's my history, it's our history, it's your History/ HerStory.  It's important to celebrate our history and culture and give thanks to all that pave the way for us.   

Black History Month, or National African American History Month, is an annual celebration of achievements by black Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans in U.S. history. The event grew out of β€œNegro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month.
Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating black history.

It's normal for me to want to learn more about my history and culture and share it with the world. This is how we learn from one another sharing our cultural differences.
So when you listen or read; about certain ignorant people, trying to diminish our culture for a paycheck and extra publicity; makes you wonder. How far a person will go for attention. 
It started a serious conversation amongst other's, who may have felt the same way or who strongly disagree.
We're not all going to agree with each other. 
Let's all acknowledge our differences in opinion. With that being said; let's learn to agree to disagree peacefully.
Yes we're all Americans as "Whoopi Goldberg" stated "We all aren't treated the same; either"

{How do you want to get rid of a channel like (BET) One you had to audition for; to get a recurring role and a pay check} What? 
"Girl Bye! She done lost her damn mind"
"If you ask me; "the Shade" was thrown
by her first; with her off the wall comment"  
(Credit: History channel on Black History)
(Credit: pictures from various artist online source)
(Credit: The View clip)

Sending you All Love and Healing Light

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Oscar's 2016

Greetings Happy New Year "2016"
Today's topic is all about the Oscar's.
When you hear  "Academy Awards"  "Fashion" immediately comes to most of our minds and yes the performances.
Honey! Let's just say, "I won't be watching this year"   Due to lack of diversity.
No one of color was nominated "twitter" was on fire
(Hash tag #) "Oscar so white" is trending.
I'm not shocked by this at all.
Look what happen last year. "Selma" was widely overlooked as a film and female Director "Ava DuVernay" was giving some accolades not the credit she deserved.
"David Oyelowo" wasn't even nominated. 
Talk about an upset.
You could see pure disappointment in everyone's face especially "Oprah Winfrey".
I believe she may of voiced her opinion.
"Don't quote me" on that!
This year Idris Elba, Michael B Jordan, or
Will Smith not nominated.
"I understand you can't nominate everyone"
(Seriously) no one of color nominated for the second year in a row.
A few of Hollywood's elite have gone as far as to boycott the show and posting opinions on social media.  Jada Pinkett Smith posted a video on Facebook boycotting the Academy Awards (deep) must see video. 
Actress Janet Hubert posted a response video to Jada and Will Smith.
Janet Hubert aka The original "Aun Viv"  from the "The fresh prince of Bel air"
Hunnie! The tea was real Hot!
Some may think Janet is a bit bitter. 
Janet was let go from the hit 90's show. 
In my opinion she's not bitter.
Janet makes some valid points. However it's time for both parties to have a real conversation. It's been over two decades of bad blood between Will and Janet. "My opinion" Will Smith was young and immature aka "Devo" after all it was his show he was the "Star"  Janet Hubert was a well respected established theater actress (Actor), whom may of come across as a Diva.  Both parties must own their truth. 
I'm Sending positive vibes of Love and Healing Light to All parties.  For the record:
"I was devastated when the network switched "Aun Viv" like we wouldn't notice"
Serious side πŸ‘€
In my opinion someone tried to blacklist the original "Aun Viv" let's get real! Real Talk!
No shade towards "Daphne Maxwell Reid" who played second "Aun Viv" she was hired to replace Janet.  "Welcome to Hollywood's bureaucracy." (Pollytricks)
For the record I won't be watching.
Wish all attaining well and best of luck and I hope "Leonardo DiCaprio" finally wins he's always nominated but never wins "He's the
("Susan Lucci" ) of the Oscar's...

Monday, July 13, 2015

Hair Care Regimen

Let's talk hair regimen.
What's your summer regimen?
I've been somewhat using the "The LOC Method" (L)eave in Conditioner, (O)il and styling (C)ream
This will seal in the moisture and minimize frizz.  Depending on what "protective style" I'm rocking braids, twist or wash and go.
My current regimen typically consists of pre- poo, using coconut oil. This is when I also massage my scalp,  note: hair is parted in two, next start to detangle my ends and working my way up, getting my spray bottle with water saturate hair and apply conditioner.   Shampoo / Cowash blot dry with T-shirt to prevent frizz, next LOC Method style as usual and done...
This month I've decided to try two products by Shea Moisture JBCO Leave in Conditioner and  Anti Breakage shampoo. Currently use their Raw Shea Butter restorative conditioner and Shampoo.

Let's talk style: perm rod set since I had a open bottle of Jane Carter wrap and roll applied to damp/wet hair. Roll and let air dry or if your in a rush sit under a dry or use a blow dryer.  Remove rods carefully and finger style and or use a pick for volume.
Love ~ Light

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Are Latinos in denial of their ancestry make up?


I'm sounding off this morning.
Last night I watched CNN AC360 & Don Lemon
Topic: Rachel Dolezal "what's so mind blowing" she's still making up stories.
Folks it's not about passing judgment on Rachel.
A simple apology would've shut it down.
She owes it to the community.
(Yeah, I apologize for lying. I identify as being Black. End of story.)
The story unfolds and gets deeper the fact that she made up family members to feed the lie.
Told her step brothers not to blow her cover.
Rachel told Matt Lauer "At the age of five I started drawing self portraits of myself with the brown crayon"  OK! Now when you were attending "Howard University" you filed a lawsuit accusing the University of discrimination because she was "White"  Folks are you here with me?  This whole situation gets deep.
The court dismissed her case. (The claim was thrown out)  Years later she meets and married a Black man. (No biggie) lots of people marry multi cultural/ racial etc.
At some point psychologically she began to identify with the Black Culture so far as to darkening her skin rock the weaves, braids,etc
If you listen to her she states someone wrote an article labeling her "transracial" then people assume she was biracial from biracial to a black women. Matt Lauer: even said at some point, did you not think to correct miss information.
No! Rachel let it go on. The problem is being
deceptive in her actions.  You see now she had a lot to gain by claiming black. "Affirmative action"
An advantage to move up  professionally.
You see on paper she presented herself by graduating from "Howard University"
Teaching "Africana Studies"  hey she looked good. She was so good and convincing she became President of NAACP in her Town.
At any moment she can stop tanning removed the braids and go back to her life as a white woman. This is what has many outraged.
Just own it! Lies after lies. The sad part she could have still been effective as herself without pretending.

So, last night Mr. Perez Hilton was on CNN as a commentator.
I'm sounding off on Mr.Perez Hilton  he stated he being a "White Latino"  blah, blah, blah. What! I had to tweet at him honey.
We went back and fourth. Yes we did!
Omg! @PerezHilton Really!!! #WhiteLatino "I don't think so". Latinos are people of color.
Hello! Smh #GirlBye #YourShadyAs #Palmtree
@PerezHilton Just because your skin is light. It does not make u white. #YourtoHollywood
#siponthatteaofknowledge #Besos #miamor
"Latinos are people of color" hello!
I forget a lot of so called; "Cubans" be thinking their "white."  In fact within the Latin communities  colorism still exist.
  It's sad that in 2015 folks are still ignorant to race and culture. Look at what's happening in Haiti and Dominican Republic.   

Here's some knowledge for my Latin peeps
In the U.S., a Latino historically is not white since Latinos by definition are a mixture of Spanish, indigenous, African and Asian blood.
With that being said: Puerto Rican culture is a mix of cultural antecedents: 
TaΓ­no indians, Spanish, African, European.
Now naturally if you are fair skin you may have more European in your ancestry.
It does not make you white. No mam, No sir you still a person of color...
  (As I drop the mic)
You can follow me on social media join the conversation.  We can learn to agree to disagree at the end of the day Black lives matter let's not get distracted from the cause. Remember to show compassion for cultural and differences within our nation...
Love ~ Light
One Love ✌